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We offer academic programmes that seek to address the illiteracy and reduce unemployment through responsive skills development programmes

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College management meets the minister of higher education.

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We participated in the annual higher education summit.

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Our Background &

The KwaZulu-Natal CET College was established on 1 April 2015 under the auspices of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) in terms of the Continuing Education and Training Act, Act 16 of 2006, as amended.

Our purpose is to address the education needs of youth and adults in KZN communities who, for various reasons, did not complete their schooling or who never attended school. The College seeks to facilitate a cycle of lifelong learning in communities by establishing the development of skills (including literacy, numeracy and vocational skills) to enhance personal, social, family and employment experiences. It offers both academic and skills programmes.

Our Programmes

Occupational Programmes

Occupational and skills programmes include Apprenticeship, Skills and ICB Programmes. The focus of these programmes is geared towards preparing students for a specific skill within a specific work environment related to a specific trade.

Formal and Non-Formal Skills Programmes

Non-formal and informal programs and activities that promote the acquisition of knowledge and skills in areas of Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

Adult Education & Training (AET) Sub-Levels 1-3

ABET / AET Basic Education and Training for adults who want to finish or improve their basic education. ABET / AET aims to provide basic foundational learning tools, knowledge and skills, and provides participants with nationally recognised skills and/or qualifications.

Amended Senior Certificate

It’s never too late to get your matric. KZN CETC's Amended Senior Certificate Programme enables adults who did not complete their high school education, or failed their Matric examination, to obtain their school leaving certificate and thus further their education if they so choose.

General Education & Training Certificate (GETC) ABET Level 4 which is an adult qualification that is registered at NQF Level 1

General Education & Training Certificate (GETC) ABET Level 4 which is an adult qualification that is registered at NQF Level1

KZN CET College
Learning Centres

The college has presence in different metros and districts within the province for ease of access to students, ensuring that we spread as much as possible the opportunity to learn and improve the socio-economic lives of the people of KwaZulu-Natal through skill acquisition.


Learning Centres


Satellite Centres

0 K +

Registered Students


KwaZulu Natal Community Education and Training College was established in terms of the Continuing Education and Training Act, 16 of 2006 to cater for education and training needs of post-school youth and adults who:

  • Never attended school
  • Did not complete their schooling
  • Lack appropriate skills for the job market
  • Lack appropriate skills for self-employment


Most frequent questions and answers
  • We offer range of short courses, amended senior certificate, occupational skills programs and non-occupational skills programs.
  • Programmes offered may differ with each centre.
  • Our skills programs are completely free of charge, with no hidden fees.
  • National Senior Certificate pays a R200 registration fee and R200 per subject annually.
  • ID copy not later than 3 months
  • Proof of residence
  • Previous schooling result
  • Our skills programs vary in duration, but most can be completed within 3-6 months
  • Amended certificates takes up to 12 months to complete